

Niche Magazine

Why am I not living a zero waste life yet?

What you need to know is that it does not happen overnight, and it simply might not be FULLY achievable at all. In our day and age, our rapid lifestyle is constricting us. There is always an easier, faster, maybe more cost efficient alternative to the modes of transportation, usage, and disposal of the products we buy and choose.

It’s a process.

Figuring out the realistic approaches you can adopt is hard. No one is expecting you to make major changes to your everyday life all at once!

Start Simple.

Understanding the “Why” behind it will encourage everyone to start. Zero waste will not only save the environment but it will elongate your ability to live with an abundance of resources such as food and water without having their quality compromised due to the waste that is going into their eco systems.

How to Start: The 8 R’s REQUEST information about the product you are purchasing and using: materials used, their lifespan, and their disposal plan.
RETHINK your decisions, what you already have, and what you buy.
REFUSE single use products, and unneseccary purchases that have a more green, cost effective alternative.
REDUCE what you buy, give some for chairty.
REUSE what you have as there is no need to buy new things continuously. This could also spark some creativity for the children when they grow up in such a household!
REPURPOSE things that you already have.
REPAIR things when there is room for repairing.
RECYCLE when and if you can. Not everyone is fortunate enough to live in a country where recycling is easy and accessible.