

Niche Magazine
Unfortunately, many of these indoor pollutants are found in our home. The common materials used in furnishings, finishes, upholstered furniture, flooring, and cleaning products are toxic and are compromising our health day by day. Are you ready to take matters in your own hand?
Are you willing to embark on a journey that will eliminate as much of these toxins as possible?
Are you ready to live in a “healthier” home?

The most important step an individual needs to take when getting involved in a global movement is EDUCATION.

But where should anyone start?

The issue with environmantilism is that many resources are being made available. However, the average consumer often find them complicated to go through as they find it difficult to comprehend the unfamiliar scienctific terms and the abundance of data that can simply overwhelm you.

When asking people about what they think the environmental movement is about, the most common answer is that it about what can we change to save the Earth and its depleting resources, lowering pollution, and reducing global warming. As inhabitants of the Earth, we should be concerned about the planet we are living in, the air we are breathing, the water we are drinking, and the food we are consuming.

However, many people seem to distance themselves from these issues, as they can not understand how personal these issues are, and how, on the long run, this will affect their every day lives. Environmantilism has to be seen as more personal, and what is more personal than your health?

Indoor and Outdoor Polluion is the world’s largest single environmental health risk. According to WHO, nearly 1 in 8 deaths (7 million deaths per year) are from outdoor and indoor pollution.

Indoor air pollution is one of the 5 biggest environmental threats to public health. Indoor air quality is often worse than the outer air quality as some pollutants are often two to five times higher indoors than outdoors.  The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that the average individual receives 72% of chemical exposures at home.


Niche Magazine

The most important step an individual needs to take when getting involved in a global movement is EDUCATION.

But where should anyone start?

The issue with environmantilism is that many resources are being made available. However, the average consumer often find them complicated to go through as they find it difficult to comprehend the unfamiliar scienctific terms and the abundance of data that can simply overwhelm you.

When asking people about what they think the environmental movement is about, the most common answer is that it about what can we change to save the Earth and its depleting resources, lowering pollution, and reducing global warming. As inhabitants of the Earth, we should be concerned about the planet we are living in, the air we are breathing, the water we are drinking, and the food we are consuming.

However, many people seem to distance themselves from these issues, as they can not understand how personal these issues are, and how, on the long run, this will affect their every day lives. Environmantilism has to be seen as more personal, and what is more personal than your health?

Indoor and Outdoor Polluion is the world’s largest single environmental health risk. According to WHO, nearly 1 in 8 deaths (7 million deaths per year) are from outdoor and indoor pollution.

Indoor air pollution is one of the 5 biggest environmental threats to public health. Indoor air quality is often worse than the outer air quality as some pollutants are often two to five times higher indoors than outdoors.  The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that the average individual receives 72% of chemical exposures at home.


Unfortunately, many of these indoor pollutants are found in our home. The common materials used in furnishings, finishes, upholstered furniture, flooring, and cleaning products are toxic and are compromising our health day by day. Are you ready to take matters in your own hand?
Are you willing to embark on a journey that will eliminate as much of these toxins as possible?
Are you ready to live in a “healthier” home?